7 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Child Custody Lawyer
Going through a divorce is always difficult—and it’s made all the more so by the involvement of children. During a stressful and emotionally fraught season, it can be harrowing to think of the possibility that you might lose access to your child, or that you might not see him or her as often as you’d like. Navigating the complexities of child custody can be tough even when you’re at your best, and when you’re reeling from a breakup, it can be truly burdensome. That’s why it’s wise to hire an experienced child custody lawyer—a seasoned professional who can help you ensure a satisfactory outcome, meaning something that’s good and healthy for you and your kids.
There are some specific reasons why we’d recommend calling a team of family law lawyers to help you in your child custody case; we’ll outline a few of them below.
You Want to Put Your Child’s Best Interests First
A good reason to hire a child custody lawyer is that you want to do right by your kids. Imagine knowing that your child’s living situation was compromised due to your lack of preparedness for court, or by misfiling a key document. A child custody lawyer will help you avoid errors that could impact your child.
You Need Someone Who Understands Family Law
No matter how simple you think your case is, the reality is that family law is a complex field. Laws about joint custody versus sole custody, or fathers’ rights versus mothers’ rights, can vary greatly from one state to the next. You need a legal expert who knows these distinctions inside and out.
A Child Custody Attorney Knows What to Do in Court
You need someone on your side who knows all about the necessary courtroom procedures and documents that need to be filed. It’s not an exaggeration to say that a single slip-up with paperwork can imperil your case. A lawyer will ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
Your Attorney Can Also Assist with Child Support
In addition to custody, you may also have questions about child support; whether you’re trying to arrange for support or to avoid having to pay it, an attorney can offer you the advice and the legal expertise you need.
Some Custody Cases Are Fairly Complex
Family dynamics and financial arrangements can render some custody battles anything but straightforward. Child custody cases are systemically complicated, and having experienced legal authority to drive it can ensure a smooth process.
Your Ex is Preventing You from Seeing Your Child
In particularly contentious custody disputes, one partner may prevent the other from seeing their child at all. If that’s happening to you, you may have some legal options for regaining your rights and seeing your child again soon. An attorney can assist you with this and give it all due urgency.
Your Ex Hired a Custody Lawyer
Finally, if your ex hired an attorney, you definitely need to respond in kind—or else you could find yourself sorely outmatched and taken advantage of.
Fighting for child custody is never easy—whether you are seeking sole custody or trying to work out a mutually beneficial joint custody agreement. Things can get hairy, and when they do, you will want someone who can represent you with all the necessary passion and expertise.
Mathews & Peddibhotla Law Group has the most experienced custody lawyers. We can assure you that we can provide every help you need. Reach out to us today to learn more.